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Monitoring Your Model at the Lead Level


No scoring model is perfect. The Customer Fit Deep Dive insights report aims to give you a deeper diagnostics view into your model so that you have the most visibility to determine if something needs to be updated within your scoring system. Ultimately, the purpose is to ensure your Sales team is not missing any great leads.


1) Sample of recent conversions: How is my fit scoring model performing generally in terms of recent conversions?


This report looks at recent conversions (either close date or conversion date in the last 3 months) and how the associated emails were scored.

The main purpose of this report is to show quickly your most recent conversions (regardless of type: open opp, MadKudu SQO, closed won) and highlight any strange anomalies with conversions that have not been scored accurately. The idea is to give you a proactive view on whether you are missing any qualified leads that may be missed by the MadKudu score, and to put together next steps to correct it if needed.

2) False negatives: Is my fit scoring model missing anything unexpected (aka blindspots to be aware of)?


This report looks at recent Closed Won conversions (most recent 200) that are tied to low and medium scored emails.

The main purpose of this report is transparency. No model should be expected to be perfect but allowing you to review the mistakes will help highlight the fact that most of these conversions are corner cases.

3) True positives: What do my true positives look like?


This report looks at recent Closed Won conversions (most recent 200) that are tied to very good and good scored emails.

The main purpose of this report is to balance the previous report by showing the true positives identified through the model. While most might seem obvious (hindsights is 20/20), there are usually some more interesting gems in here.


Q: How do I get this set up?

Nothing more to do here - it should already be available in your MadKudu instance. You should be able to see your report when you click on Predictions > Customer Fit > Diagnostics > See deep dive.

Q: Is this part of my current subscription?

Yes, this is provided as part of your subscription if you have a Customer Fit model.

Q: How often is this refreshed?

This report (as all the MadKudu Insights reports) is refreshed daily.

Q: How do you define the population in this report?

These reports look at all leads (not just inbound).

Q: How do you define a "SQO"?

MadKudu defines a "SQO" according to your business definition. You should be able to see how it is being defined in the app when you click on Mapping > Conversion Mapping.

Q: How do I look up the conversion in my CRM?

Check out the MadKudu Conversion ID which will tell you which system it is tied to and the related ID in your system. If you look up the ID in your CRM system, you should be able to find the conversion that MadKudu is referencing.

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Head over to our Zendesk and find information regarding integrations, scoring details, and more.

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