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I'm going after a new target segment - do I need to update my scoring model?

As a Marketing Ops leader, there are many business questions we need to tackle every day. With MadKudu, we help make answering those questions easier.


One of the business questions that we've seen many customers have is:

"Do I need to update my scoring model if I need to go after a new target segment?"

The trigger for this is that the leadership team tells Marketing Ops that the company is going after a new target segment (example: product signups). Traditionally, the company has not closed many deals in this audience segment. So there is a doubt if the scoring model would be able to reflect those leads as qualified to Sales.

As a Marketing Ops leader, the objective is to understand if I should update my scoring model to show that this new target segment is qualified to Sales.

How to do this via the MadKudu platform?

(1) Navigate to the MadKudu app > Mapping > Audience Mapping, and create an audience in the MadKudu with the specific target segment criteria. This requires:

  • Selecting the CRM to use
  • Selecting the object
  • Selecting the field in the object to create the filter and the possible values


  • If you select source system = Salesforce and Object = Account, you'll need to select how leads should be mapped to accounts: through the domain or account ID. If through the domain, please define the field in the Salesforce Account object that identifies the website of an account (example: `Domain__c`). Please remember to append `a_` in front of any field name from Salesforce.
  • If you select source system = Salesforce and Object = Opportunity, you'll need to select how leads should be mapped to opportunities: through the opportunity ID or account ID.

Click publish once you are satisfied with the audience.

(2) Once you've received a success email on the audience mapping being successfully created, you can ping the MadKudu support team to trigger a performance report update for the Customer Fit model. These reports are typically refreshed weekly today.

(3) Once the report has been updated, navigate to the MadKudu app > Predictions > Customer Fit report. Filter the report to audience = {name of audience of target segment created}


(4) Confirm that there is some volume in the audience by checking the volume of leads under the section labelled: "Leads and Revenue in Numbers". If there is volume, proceed to the next step.


(5) If the Model Performance recall (this can be found in Model Performance section) is the same or higher than the recall of your training audience (typically it is called "inbound"), you are able to proceed without having to update the scoring model. If it is lower than the recall of your training audience (called "inbound"), please ping your MadKudu Solutions Engineer to see if a model update could ensure the target segment is captured in the current model.


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Head over to our Zendesk and find information regarding integrations, scoring details, and more.

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