The MadKudu Blog

Product-Led Growth

Product-Led Growth for CMOs, Part 3: How to Integrate PLG & GTM Teams

In this blog post, we will dispel three common myths, explain how GTM teams can help customers reduce friction, and encourage CMOs to embrace the complexity of B2B funnels.

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Product-Led Growth

Product-Led Growth for CMOs, Part 2: The Practitioner Perspective

During MadKudu’s recent CMO Guide to PLG webinar, Wes Bush, a PLG pioneer, shared insights on how PLG’s growth is impacting practitioners

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Product-Led Growth

Product-Led Growth for CMOs, Part 1: Insights from a VC

What do Stripe,, and Guitar Pro have in common? Their phenomenal performance is down to product-led growth (PLG) — a set of go-to-market strategies centered around and driven by a company’s products.

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Marketing & Sales Alignment
Marketing Insights

CMO Confessions: The Future of Marketing Measurement

During a recent panel discussion we hosted, CMO Confessions: The Future of Marketing Measurement, I had the opportunity to chat with seasoned marketing leaders on how they see the role of the CMO changing as well their raw outlook on all things B2B marketing.

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Product-Led Growth

Sales Leads: Who Owns SaaS Trial Conversions?

When it comes to sales leads and SaaS trial conversions, there are too many pigs and not enough chickens. Read on.

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MadKudu Updates

Scaling Live Chat with Intercom and MadKudu

MadKudu and Intercom have teamed up to explore how live chat can impact business performance. This blog post outlines best practices for live chat as well as predictive lead scoring strategies to take it to the next level.

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