The MadKudu Blog

Marketing & Sales Alignment
Marketing Insights

Doing more with less: How teams are uncovering revenue in their pipeline

We've found there's a goldmine of potential revenue waiting to be unlocked within your current funnel. No extra headcount, no extra spend.

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Product-Led Growth
Marketing & Sales Alignment

Personalize Your Buyer Journeys: 4 Important Learnings About PLG

We gathered a group of 50+ growth & marketing leaders to discuss scaling PLG. Here are 4 key learnings.

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Marketing & Sales Alignment
Marketing Insights

Demand Gen Playbook: 5 Ways to Drive Revenue in a Down Market

In down markets, marketing teams really feel the pressure with to attain revenue goals while budgets get cut. We partnered with Mutiny to develop playbook of revenue driving plays.

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Marketing Insights

The SaaS Winter and the CMO

No department is impacted faster from a downturn than marketing. Regardless of how well you, as the CMO, are running your side of the business, you will face pressure to do more with less. Here are 10 key areas you should evaluate.

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Product-Led Growth

The 4 Funnels of PLG & Scaling Beyond Hand-Raisers

How are you scaling your PLG motion? Understanding the right funnel mix for your organization is essential in driving conversions and, ultimately, revenue. Learn more about the 4 funnels of PLG and how to move beyond hand-raisers.

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Data Management
Marketing Insights

How Successful CMOs Build a Data-Strategy and Avoid the Hot Seat

If you aren't obsessing over data as a CMO, you might not be a CMO much longer. The rise of the modern data stack has unlocked huge amounts of data sources and data points. As a result, marketing has shifted away from the brand-centric Mad Men era to a focus on driving operational success. Today's CMOs, or at least the successful ones, are truly data-driven. 

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