The MadKudu Blog

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Marketing Metrics and Predicted Returns: Three Metrics to Measure Paid Acquisition Performance in SaaS

Learn about three marketing metrics that measure paid acquisition performance in SaaS for predicted returns. Click here for more information.

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Onboarding Growth Experiments for Your Worst Users

Learn about onboarding growth experiments for your worst users.

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Marketing & Sales Alignment

Timing is Everything: Surfacing Sales-Ready Accounts and the Right Contacts to Engage

Want to learn more about timing, surfacing sales-ready accounts and the right contacts to engage? Click here.

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Product-Led Growth

Free Sales Leads Trials and Activity Scoring: How to Do It Right

Free sales leads trials and activity scoring can each carry their own complications. Read on here to learn how to do it right.

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Retargeting: Get That Bread for Qualified Website Traffic That Just Didn’t Convert

Retargeting target that just doesn't convert: Learn how to navigate this by clicking here.

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Identify, Qualify & Segment website visitors with a personalized website experience.

Don't miss out on shadow revenue - MadKudu automatically puts each prospect ... By training Facebook's AI with predicted values of each traffic lead, MadKudu

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