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The MadKudu Blog

Marketing Insights

What Is Marketing Ops and What Are They Responsible For?

Learn about the pivotal role of marketing operations and how MadKudu can enhance their effectiveness.

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How to Set Up Lead Scoring in Salesforce

See how MadKudu’s cutting-edge AI can enhance your Salesforce lead scoring.

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The Ultimate Guide to Account Scoring (2023)

Discover the power of account scoring in B2B marketing with MadKudu's AI-driven approach.

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The 6 Best Lead Scoring Software in 2023

Through the power of AI, the best lead scoring softwares in 2023 can optimize your conversion rates and improve resource allocation.

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Marketing Insights
Marketing & Sales Alignment

Fishing in a Desert: The Plea for Quality

We’re all feeling it, volume isn’t what it used to be. These circumstances can create a lot of temptation to open up the funnel and care less about quality. If you are still looking at volume based goals for your team it almost feels like you have to, but is it worth it? Learn how to get your team to focus on quality even when quantity is going down.

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Lead Scoring Best Practices: How to Identify and Prioritize Your Best-Fit Leads

Unlock the power of lead scoring best practices, and learn how to organize and qualify leads effectively.

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