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The MadKudu Blog

Marketing Insights

How much revenue can you expect from leads using their personal email?

How much money is really left on the table by business to developer and prosumer product companies who ignore personal email signups? In this post, we find out.

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Product-Led Growth

3 ways data transparency can build trust and cohesion among revenue teams

Aligning sales and marketing teams into one cohesive body requires data truth and transparency. Explore 3 ways you can use data to achieve shared revenue goals.

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Marketing Insights

The Key to Unlock Revenue Growth: Bringing Intelligence to Automation

The tool and motion bubble has officially burst. Revenue teams need to adapt to the changing landscape, or fall behind. Learn why we believe revenue automation intelligence is the way forward.

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$650 Million in New ARR Powered by MadKudu Revenue Automation Intelligence in 2023

MadKudu, the revenue automation intelligence engine, today announces new positioning and momentum to close out 2023.

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What Are Marketing SLAs and Examples?

Learn about the power of marketing service level agreements (SLAs) and see several examples in this blog post.

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What Is Speed to Lead and How to Improve It

Looking to boost your lead conversion rates? Discover the power of "speed to lead" in this comprehensive guide.

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