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The MadKudu Blog

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Customer Journeys: The Biggest Source of Friction Could Be You

Why is the customer journey so filled with friction, even with a plethora of data and engagement tools to create a great experience? Let's see why.

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MadKudu Updates

Mailchimp Salesforce Integration: How We Use Zapier to Score Mailchimp Subscribers

Mailchimp salesforce integration is a great way to nurture prospective customers, which is why we use Zapier to score our Mailchimp subscribers. Read on.

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Predictive Scoring

How to Do Funnel Analysis Segementation by Customer Fit

With funnel analysis, if you're not applying lead scores, you're making decisions based on flawed data. Find out your best leads by clicking here.

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Account Based Marketing

Account-Based Marketing and the Fallacy of Job Titles

Account-based marketing aligns all teams to create a frictionless customer journey. Read on and learn more on this strategy today.

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Marketing & Sales Alignment

Service Level Agreement: How Accountability Fosters Sales and Marketing Alignment

Service level agreements can lead to accountability and marketing alignnment. Learn how here.

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MadKudu Updates

How MadKudu makes Salesforce Einstein smarter

As algorithmic brute force applied to B2B datasets won't make up for appropriate data preparation, Salesforce Einstein needs companies like MadKudu

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