The MadKudu Blog

Data Management

Are Automation and AI BS?

AI and automation have become ubiquitous in B2B. It is therefore our duty as professionals to educate ourself as to what is really going on beyond the BS.

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Product-Led Growth

The Key Activation Event and 3 Steps to Determine It

Most people have heard of the "key activation event" by now. Check out this quick "how-to" for you to determine your product's "key activation event".

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Data Management

The “Lean Startup” and Why It Is Killing Growth Experiments

The "Lean Startup" has grown to biblical proportions. However, it is crucial to leverage its growth frameworks with parsimony. Learn more.

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Product-Led Growth

What we can learn from Ants to improve SaaS conversion rates

In our era of freemium, trials and other piloting processes, the myriad of solutions out there rarely help identify the levers to up SaaS conversion rates.

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Product-Led Growth

Why every B2B SaaS business should segment their trial users

Looking at the trial-to-paid funnels by customer segment is the best way to understand how your product and sales activities affect B2B SaaS conversions

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Marketing & Sales Alignment

B2B Sales and Achieving Personalization at Scale

B2B sales strategies often depend on lead-scoring solutions that are only duct-tape on a broken process in B2B sales. Read on.

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