The MadKudu Blog

Marketing Insights
Predictive Scoring

How to be a True Revenue Marketer: Moving from MQLs to Revenue Goals

Great marketers believe their team should be accountable for revenue. While it's hard to operationalize, it is possible, and we’re seeing some of the most effective revenue teams do it with the right support.

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Marketing Insights
MadKudu Updates

NEW: Score Lookup Brings Transparency to Predictive Lead Scoring

We’re excited to announce our updated score lookup feature, which answers the question of why leads were given a certain score.

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Marketing Insights
Predictive Scoring

From Registration to Revenue: How to Get the Most Out of Your Events

We’re all feeling it, in-person events are back. Even with budgets and capacity shrinking lots of businesses are seeing value in being where their target customers are, in real life. The question everyone is asking is, are events worth the large investment?

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Marketing & Sales Alignment
Marketing Insights

From Rivals to Partners: How Sales and Marketing Alignment Creates a Competitive Edge

It’s tough out there, and while we can’t change outside factors, what we can do is align sales and marketing around shared goals to work more efficiently.

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Marketing Insights
MadKudu Updates

Introducing MadKudu Sales Intelligence: SDRs Secret to Success

Announcing MadKudu Sales Intelligence, providing SDRs with key prospect details directly in Salesforce.

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Marketing Insights
MadKudu Updates

Building the Next Data Infrastructure for PLG and Efficient Growth

I started MadKudu with my co-founder Francis Brero to help companies grow more efficiently. The problem we solve at MadKudu has never been bigger.

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